NADOR UTCA 11, H-1051 BUDAPEST, HUNGARY (36 1) 327 3863, FAX (36 1) 327 3809


Name and position:     Ts. Gelegjamts, Director of the Department of Public Administration and Cooperation,     Ministry       of Science, Education and Culture , Mongolia

Name of Fellow you have assisted:    Sodnontseren Altantsetseg (ID: 156-SOD-MN)

1. What, in your opinion, have you and your Fellow/program/project gained from your cooperation thus far?

The assistance was provided in the following areas:

· Advice on policy research contents and policy paper contents
· Elaboration of current policy on higher education and obtaining relevant up to date data
· Assistance in meeting senior officers of the Ministry of Science, Education, Culture, Ministry of Finance and Economics, State Training fund etc.
· Revision of paper

2. Do certain areas of this Fellow’s work need improvement? Which areas?

I highly appreciate fellow’s progress in policy research paper even some relevant data are still missing. As I concern, so far there is no such comprehensive research paper which contains such relevant up to date data in English as well as in Mongolian. However, some areas need improvement:

-The fellow is giving too much attention to academic research.
-The fellow should look at policy issues that concern public interests, worries, satisfaction etc.
-Not only data from government organisations and universities, but also recent newspaper information is good for public opinions
-Policy paper writing needs more help (ongoing)

3. In your opinion, does your Fellow’s project make a significant contribution to the field?


I think that in Mongolia as well as in many other countries of CEE and FSU economic and financial aspects of higher education are causing hot debate among practitioners, policy makers, researchers, donors  and the public. However, the research especially policy research is always behind the government policy elaboration. This is true in Mongolian case, because it does not happen without certain amount of funding or without support of relevant Government agency. This time is very important for policy research, because the Ministry of Science, Education and Culture is preparing its programme for reform of education, re-writing laws and regulations, changing funding patterns and the Draft Law on Management and Financing of Public Sector is being discussed. In case of Mongolia, most research is too academic. The University departments of politics are under shifting process. Academic programmes do not make relevant policy research happen. Therefore, the project will have academic, policy making and research values.


The project will contribute to the efforts of Mongolian scientific community to integrate with international community and have learning experience.

4. Would the project be important to other countries in the CEE/fSU region?

Countries in the CEE and FSU region have some similarities as well as differences in policy environment. Sharing their experience would be of great importance.

5. Could the proposed policy research make an impact on the policy environment in specific countries or regions? (Policy makers, experts and policy research community)


6. Is the timetable for the project realistic?


7. Could the project benefit a large number of people?

The following people/organisations would use the research output:

-Academic researchers in and outside Mongolia
-Policy makers working for the Government
-National and international consultants working Social Sector and Education Sector Programme
-University senior administrative officers;
-Graduate students in and outside Mongolia doing research in higher education sector
-General public affected to some extent by policy.
8. Does the Fellow show evidence that he/she can think strategically about the relevant project and/or field?

She is capable of thinking strategically and shows very practical approach to issues. This is obviously thanks to her knowledge and experience in the education sector.

9. If the Fellow were to re-apply for continued OSI funding for follow-up work associated with the project, would you support continued funding?

I would be happy to see her research continued in the area of relationship between the State and Universities or socio-economic aspects of the policy for student support.

10. Are there other appropriate funders that may support the project?

Locally-no, internationally-yes

National Fund for Science and Technology allocates fund for research in the field of natural sciences and hardly she can get funding for her research. MOSEC does not have money for research. Funding for further research should be sought from international agencies and private foundations.

11.    Recommendations for other potential senior contacts for this Fellow:

Prof. Suren Davaa, Vice-president for academic affairs, National University of Mongolia

Fax/Phone: 976-11-324385

12.    Additional Comments (Please comment on your Fellow’s work and all aspects of the IPF program using the back of this sheet):

My fellow’s research work is very interrelated with the Government policy, Education Sector Development Project (Asian Development Bank) and Social Sector Privatisation and Restructuring Programme (World Bank).
Therefore, she is working in collaboration with many State central administrative agencies of Mongolia as well as with international agencies. The important aspect of this policy research is that this is really applicable at current time, when new Parliament was just elected last year and is trying to define its policy and implement in the following three years.

I have got acknowledged with the IPF programmes since Soros Foundation started operating in Mongolia. I highly appreciate its efforts for the support of junior policy researchers, contribution to the HR capacity in developing countries.  In the education field I would be happy to see the following new areas of research:

-Privatisation of social sector, particularly, in education sector in the region;
-Relationships between the State and Universities;
-Globalisation and universities in developing countries;
-Financing of education and commercialisation
-Socio-economic aspects of state support for students; and
-Local/regional labour market and universities etc.

Signed by:
Dr. Ts. Gelegjamts
Department of Public Administration and Cooperation
Fax; 976 11 324857

NADOR UTCA 11, H-1051 BUDAPEST, HUNGARY (36 1) 327 3863, FAX (36 1) 327 3809


Your thoughtful and honest appraisal will be most helpful. We appreciate your input and will try to implement as many of your ideas as possible. Continue comments on the back if necessary.

The IPF program pairs each Fellow with one or two mentors who are Soros foundations network-affiliated (usually Open Society Institute and Central European University), as well as one ‘external’ mentor who is an expert in the field working outside the Soros foundations network. Mentors should: 1) Work with Fellows to devise a brief policy paper in their field(s) of expertise based on a lengthy research paper written over the course of the fellowship year, 2) Maintain contact with Fellows at least once every six weeks or so by telephone, fax or e-mail to discuss the development of projects, 3) If feasible, meet with Fellows at least once during the fellowship year to discuss the project, 4) Facilitate Fellows’ contact with other relevant experts and participation in appropriate meetings (IPF has discretionary funds to support Fellow attendance at relevant events), 5) Complete brief mid-term and final critique forms supplied by IPF to provide the program with feedback regarding the Fellow’s progress.

Your name, position:    Prof. Dr. Ts. Gelegjamts, Director of the Department of Public Management and             International Cooperation, Ministry of Science, Education and Culture , Mongolia

Name of Fellow you have assisted:    Sodnontseren Altantsetseg
                                                                    (ID: 156-SOD-MN)

1. What, in your opinion, have you and your Fellow/program/project gained from your cooperation thus far?

The assistance was provided in the following areas:

2. Do certain areas of this Fellow’s work need improvement? Which areas?

    Please see additional comments

3. In your opinion, does your Fellow’s project make a significant contribution to the field?

I think that in former socialist countries  financial aspects of higher education are causing hot debate among practitioners, policy makers, researchers, donors  and the public. The work of Altantsetseg is an important source for Mongolian and international researchers.

4. Would the project be important to other countries in the CEE/fSU region?
Countries in the CEE and FSU region have some similarities as well as differences in policy environment. Sharing their experience would be of great importance.

5. Could the proposed policy research make an impact on the policy environment in specific countries or regions? (Policy makers, experts and policy research community)
6. Is the timetable for the project realistic?

7. Could the project benefit a large number of people?
The work is of interest to:

-Academic researchers in and outside Mongolia
-Policy makers working for the Government
-National and international consultants working in Social Sector and Education Sector Programme
-University senior administrative officers;
-Graduate students
-Donor organisations implementing education sector programme: UNESCO, World Bank and Asian Development Bank
8. Does the Fellow show evidence that he/she can think strategically about the relevant project and/or field?

9. If the Fellow were to re-apply for continued OSI funding for follow-up work associated with the project, would you support continued funding?

I will support if she will continue her research for doctoral studies.

10. Are there other appropriate funders that may support the project?

I am not sure

Recommendations for other potential senior contacts for this Fellow:

Prof. Suren Davaa, Vice-president for academic affairs, National University of Mongolia

Fax/Phone: 976-11-324385
Additional Comments (Please comment on your Fellow’s work and all aspects of the IPF program using the back of this sheet):

Include the following statements in the conclusion:
5.1.     Refer to legal aspects on financing of higher education in Mongolia: shortcomings of this legal statement (sources of fund and current situation of funding universities-short of fund for improving infrastructure, update equipment and facilities and reform of academic programme)
Change 5.2 to 5.3 and add new conclusion on Social security of students (5.2)
5.4.   Is there inefficiency in using fund by universities? Accountability?

Signed by:

Dr. Ts. Gelegjamts
Department of Public Administration and Cooperation
Fax; 976 11 324857

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